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Date Distributed: August 25, 2022

Moody River Estates
Community Development District

September 1, 2022
Board of Supervisors Meeting

Attend in person at the Clubhouse at Moody River Estates, 3050 Moody River Blvd., North Fort Myers, Florida 33903.


Any person wishing to attend the meeting virtually, join from your computer, tablet or smartphone:

You can also dial in using your phone:
United States: +1 (872) 240-3212, Access Code: 205-924-957

Any interested party can request a pdf of the full “Agenda Packet,” which includes all supporting materials, by contacting the Custodian of Records via the form on the Contacts tab of this website.

Moody River

Community Development District
Meeting Agenda

September 1, 2022 at 1:00 PM

  1. Call to Order and Roll Call
  2. Approval of the Agenda
  3. Audience Comments (3 minutes, agenda items only)
  4. Consideration of Resignation of Supervisor Pike
  5. Consideration of Appointment to Fill the Vacant Seat #2
  6. Oath of Office
  7. Consideration of Resignation of Supervisor Teckorius
  8. Consideration of Appointment to Fill the Vacant Seat #4
  9. Oath of Office
  10. Resolution 2022-11 Officers of the District
  11. Approval of Meeting Minutes
    1. Draft Meeting Minutes May 19, 2022 Follow Up
    2. Draft Meeting Minutes July 14, 2022
  12. Staff Reports
    1. Engineer
    2. Attorney
    3. District Manager
      1. Financial Statements for July 2022
      2. FY 2023 Meeting Dates Resolution 2022-08
  13. Field Manager
    1. August 2022 Field Management Report
    2. Shoreline Maintenance
    3. Service Reports
  14. Old Business
    1. Fountain Operating Costs and Updates
    2. Water Quality
      1. Bill Kurtz at Solitude Project/Contract Follow Up
      2. Pond Watch Update
    3. Lake #8 Status
      1. Littoral Planting
      2. Repositioning the Fountain
    4. Lake Bank Erosion Remediation
    5. Phase 2 Electrical Panel Replacement Quote Updates
  15. New Business
    1. Request for Proposal: Lake Maintenance
    2. Cypress Planting on Lake #12 Estimate
    3. Preserve Vegetation Clean Up Estimate
  16. Supervisor Requests/Comments
    1. Action List/Project Log Requested by Supervisor Geltner
    2. Monuments Maintenance
  17. Audience Comments (3 minutes on any topic)
  18. Adjournment ‐ Next Regular Scheduled Meeting & Budget Public Hearing: September 12, 2022; at 1 p.m.

11. Approval of Meeting Minutes

    1. Draft Meeting Minutes May 19, 2022 Follow Up
    2. Draft Meeting Minutes July 14, 2022

12. Staff Reports

    1. Engineer
    2. Attorney
    3. District Manager
      1. Financial Statements for July 2022
      2. FY 2023 Meeting Dates Resolution 2022-08

13. Field Manager

    1. August 2022 Field Management Report
    2. Shoreline Maintenance
    3. Service Reports

14. Old Business

    1. Fountain Operating Costs and Updates
    2. Water Quality
      1. Bill Kurtz at Solitude Project/Contract Follow Up
      2. Pond Watch Update
    3. Lake #8 Status
      1. Littoral Planting
      2. Repositioning the Fountain
    4. Lake Bank Erosion Remediation
    5. Phase 2 Electrical Panel Replacement Quote Updates

15. New Business

    1. Request for Proposal: Lake Maintenance
    2. Cypress Planting on Lake #12 Estimate
    3. Preserve Vegetation Clean Up Estimate

16. Supervisor Requests/Comments

    1. Action List/Project Log Requested by Supervisor Geltner
    2. Monuments Maintenance

17. Audience Comments (3 minutes on any topic)

18. Adjournment ‐ Next Regular Scheduled Meeting & Budget Public Hearing: September 12, 2022; at 1 p.m.