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Summary Letter – February 2022


February 17, 2022
Board of Supervisors
Moody River Estates Community Development District

Dear Supervisors:

An audit selection committee meeting of the Moody River Estates CDD Board of Supervisors will be held on February 24, 2022, at 1 p.m., at the Clubhouse at Moody River Estates, 3050 Moody River Blvd., North Fort Myers, Florida 33903. A regular meeting will convene immediately following the adjournment of the Audit Committee meeting. The meeting is accessible via webconference at:

Via computer, tablet or smartphone:
Via phone: +1 (224) 501-3412, Access Code: 605-882-197

The Agenda is on the next page and a few points of interest are as follows:

  • Before the regular meeting, the Audit Committee meeting will convene to review the audit proposal received from Berger Toombs. Immediately follow the adjournment, the regular meeting will commence. A pdf of that proposal has be emailed to the Board outside of the packet, and hard copies will be handed out at the meeting. The Audit committee will make its recommendation and the selection will be voted on under New Business in the regular meeting.
  • Enclosed are the draft regular meeting minutes for January 25, 2022 and the field management report from January. The financials from December and January will be sent under separate cover.
  • The Attorney will address the communications process between the HOA ARC and the CDD with regard to approved work that may impact the CDDs property. He also is leading a discussion on the maintenance, repair, and replacement of stormwater facilities adjacent to private roadways.
  • The Manager and Board will continue to discuss Board goals and objectives; the Manager will update on the transition from WHA to PDM, and presents a memo on website ADA compliance and placing Agenda Packets on the website for Board consideration. Also included, as an FYI, is the Lee County Board Composition document that starts of the election process, and a proposed Fiscal Year 2023 Budget Schedule, along with alternative dates if the meeting schedule changes, to be discussed later in the meeting.
  • The Field Manager will address the ongoing stormwater system scoping and cleaning concerns, as well as follow up the Lake 6 fountain motor repair, and investigation into report of Lake 12 fountain being non-functional.
  • There will be discussion on the current District document retention policy, for which the resolution has been included again in your packets. Sent concurrently via email is the Florida records retention policy as an FYI.
  • Included in the packet are the current approved meeting schedule for FY 2022, and alternatives that reduce the number of meetings and sets them to occur consistently either on the 2nd or 3rd Thursday of the month. Also included is Resolution 2022-05 to change the District depository.

Any supporting documents not enclosed will be distributed later via email or handed out at the meeting. If there are any questions or requests prior to the meeting, feel free to contact me.


Signature of Calvin Teague, District Manager

Calvin Teague
District Manager